Green Card Lottery Application

Welcome to our official website at USAGCO!

Did you know that the US government issues about 55,000 Green Cards each year through a special lottery program called the DV Lottery program?


The Applicant is chosen via a random computer-generated drawing. Many have had the privilege to win a Green Card through this special program, you could be next. So, why don’t you apply today?


Green Card Lottery Application


STEP 1: Eligibilty Check
STEP 1: Check Your Eligibility
Check if you are eligible for this program
STEP 2: Approval
STEP 2: Notification of Approval
Get instant approval to your phone or email
* Your personal information is secure
STEP 3: Submission
STEP 3: Submission
Submit and receive an official entry number
STEP 4: Offical Entry
STEP 4: Official Entry
Get an official entry to participate in the DV-2026 Green Card Lottery


DV Lottery Eligibility Check

6 questions that will determine your eligibility to apply:

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{{ getError('options.birth_country') }}

{{ getError('options.level_of_english') }}

{{ getError('options.monthly_income') }}

{{ getError('options.marital_status') }}

{{ getError('options.been_in_usa') }}


Recive now an instant approval to your email & phone

* Your personal information is secure and will not be used

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{{ getError('lastname') }}

{{ mobile_code || '+' }}

{{ getError('options.mobile_phone') }}

{{ getError('email') }}

{{ getError('email') }}
